How to Support Your Child When They Are Struggling In The Classroom

As a parent, it can be difficult to watch your child struggle with schoolwork. Starting school is an exciting time for young children and their parents alike; watching your child’s excitement slowly turn to resentment and disdain for school can be heartbreaking. Academic struggles can lead to poor mental health for children of all ages and can jeopardize their future in the classroom should they continue to fall behind without help. If your child is currently exhibiting symptoms of struggling in the classroom, you might feel helpless; after all, your child should be learning what they need at school with the help of their teachers. If they aren’t, how much can you really do to help? The truth is, a lot! Playing an active role in your child’s education and supporting their learning at home is the key to ensuring that they are successful in the classroom. 

If you’ve noticed your child struggling, here are a few ways you can help support them at home. 

Talk to Teachers

If you notice your child getting bad grades or undergoing an attitude change regarding school or their homework, reach out to their teacher right away. Since you cannot sit beside your child in the classroom and likely are not aware of how they learn and behave throughout the school day, it can be helpful to gain insight from their teacher. Try reaching out via email or meeting up in person to discuss any possible issues and to work together to find a solution that will work best for your child. 

Create a Routine That Prioritizes School 

If your child has begun to dread doing homework and attending school, they aren’t alone. While it is common for children to begin developing indifferent or even negative feelings about school as they get older, many experts agree that changing this is a matter of reframing their mindset. In the morning, speak to your child about what they will be doing at school today and what they are most excited about, as this will allow them to enter the classroom with a positive mindset. Allow your child to create a homework routine after school that is maintained consistently so that your little one will know what to expect when it comes to completing homework (therefore minimizing any arguments about it at home). Allow them to help you pack their Lean Kitchen lunch, so they will find themselves excited to go to school and eat it. Do whatever you can to incorporate positive thoughts about school into your child’s life both in and out of the classroom!

Get Excited About Learning

Once your child begins to see school as a place to learn exciting new things, their attitude might change. To help get your child excited about learning and to encourage them to engage in discussions and activities both inside and outside of the classroom, provide your child with as many opportunities to learn outside of school as possible. Take a trip to a local museum, visit the library, do craft projects, and more to nourish their sense of curiosity and leave them ready to keep learning. 

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