Best Spaces to Work for Freelancers (Outside the Home)

One of many great benefits of working freelance, is you have the freedom to choose the location you work from. Whether you’re a freelance Property and Casualty Insurance agent using Haines to gather research or working as a freelance copywriter, choosing your work spot each day is important!

You may have a special workspace designated at home that can really get you “in the zone,” but we’re offering up some other solutions outside of your house. After all, it’s fun to venture out and try new things. Freelancing affords you this luxury!

So, let’s get into it with the best spaces to work for freelancers.

Cozy up in a Coffee Shop

There is something so incredibly charming and peaceful when it comes to your local coffee shop. The easy jazz playing, the fresh aroma of coffee, and the hushed conversations of java-lovers.

Coffee shops are a great place to settle in for the day as you work on your next contract. Try visiting a few in your area to see which one has the best environment for you to get focused in on your work.

Workspace Solutions

Recently, workspace solutions have become all the rage. With more people working remote or freelance, the options are practically unlimited when it comes to professional workspaces available for rent like WeWork.

If you opt for a workspace solution, you’ll also have a great opportunity to network with fellow freelancers. You just never know when you could get your next big break – and it could be someone next to you renting out space!

Restaurant Vibes

Restaurants probably aren’t the first place you’d think of for prime working conditions. However, working out of a restaurant may give you just the energy you need to get that blog finished and submitted!

If you tend to get easily distracted, a restaurant may not be the best fit. Yet, if you’re an extrovert by nature, freelance work can seem isolating. Choosing to work from a restaurant may be just the ticket to fill your social cup while getting your projects finished.

Take a Trip to the Park

There’s nothing more wonderful than spending time in nature. Unless you work as a gardener or wildlife biologist, you’re most likely confined to a career that places you inside the four walls. Weather permitting, you should give working at a park or outside a go.

 You may find the peacefulness of the sound of trees, happy birds singing, and soft rustling of leaves stimulating. If you’re a freelance writer of any sort, you can guarantee nature will provide you with some creative inspiration!

Hotel Lobby Setup

If you like to people watch while you work, a hotel lobby may be the perfect fit for you to set up shop. Plenty of hotel lobbies are attached to coffee shops and provide a quaint, elegant lounge area. 

Some freelancers tend to get bored with the monotony of day-to-day tasks and working in a hotel lobby can ensure there’s no scarcity when it comes to activity going on. Get your laptop and pop into your nearest Hilton or Marriott to give it a try for yourself!

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