Are EINs Delivered In The Same Day Through IRS?

As a new business owner, you want to make sure that you take care of all of your legal proceedings as soon as possible so that you can be up and running quickly and without delay. One of the most important steps you have to take is to apply for an EIN number, which will be your tax ID when it comes to file with the IRS. If you’ve never applied for this kind of thing before, you may be wondering what all is involved and how soon you can get it. Fortunately, the entire application is super easy, and the EIN delivery process is amazingly fast.

That being said, however, how quickly you can get your new tax ID will depend on the method by which you apply. Allow us to explain.

Fax or Mail

If you like to have a paper trail when dealing with the government, then it may be appealing to fill out a physical form, and either send it through the mail, or fax it directly to the IRS. While this can ensure that your paperwork is received, it will take longer to process because the information has to be transcribed and entered electronically. Overall, submitting an application this way can take up to four days to get a response and verify your EIN.


Another great way to contact the IRS is via telephone so that you can be sure to speak with a representative about your application and check EIN status once you’ve applied. Unfortunately, you cannot submit your paperwork over the phone, but you can call the IRS to see when your EIN will be issued, or to ensure if it is currently valid.


These days, the best and fastest way to get anything done is over the internet. Using, you can submit your application and check on your status instantly. Doing things this way will ensure that your paperwork gets viewed and approved quickly, and many times you can get your EIN within hours. If you’re in a rush to get your business going, this is by far your best option.

Don’t delay on applying for a federal tax ID! Visit today to get your application process started.

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