5 Simple Productivity Tricks and Must-Do’s for Digital Nomads

Productivity is absolutely key to the success of any digital nomad, regardless of your location or area of expertise. This is especially true for those new to the lifestyle: it’s easy to overwhelm yourself when you realize the responsibility to stay on task falls solely on you.

Without a boss or team looking over your shoulder to hold you accountable on a day-to-day basis, sometimes staying productive is easier said than done.

This is exactly what all digital nomads need the right tricks up their sleeve to ensure that they’re always on task. The following five productivity tips help guarantee that your workload doesn’t get the better of you and you never lose focus along the way.

Upgrade Your Audio Equipment

This may seem a bit out of left field, but bear in mind the importance of both silence and music for the sake of your productivity. Whether you’re someone who likes to jam out or enjoys no noise whatsoever, only high-quality headphones and the absolute best audio cables will do.

For many digital nomads, your audio setup is too important to sleep on: if you’ve been relying on discount noise-canceling headphones or $10 earpods, perhaps it’s time to step up your game.

Always Have Some Pen and Paper

You never know when you’re going to be stuck somewhere without Internet or otherwise unable to work from your go-to spots, right? You may be shocked at how much you can get done through the old-school route of actually writing and planning on paper. The benefits of traditional writing are well-documented in the digital age: from retaining what you write to only putting down your best ideas on paper, don’t neglect this classic approach to getting work done.

Become a Serial Note-Taker

On a related note, it pays to be able to jot down your notes at a moment’s notice. Whether we’re talking about inspiration or ideas for a project, either having a traditional notepad or apps like Evernote handy can make all the difference. This may not seem like a big deal; however, it’s much easier to get to work when you have something in the back of your mind for inspiration instead of staring at a blank slate.

Stick to a Schedule

Part of the beauty of being a digital nomad is that you can work anywhere at any time, but that doesn’t mean you should through a traditional schedule out the window. Whether through project apps like Trello or a Google Calendar, being able to see your day-to-day workload can ultimately help you manage your time as you know exactly what you should be focusing on. Additionally, sticking to a schedule helps you manage your personal relationships as you let them know when you’re busy and when you have time to play.

Be Prepared to Unplug

On a similar note, you may want to look at apps and plugins that block distractions to maintain your focus when you’re on a time-crunch. With the temptations of Facebook and Twitter always looming, having a second-line of defense to remain on task is huge. Besides: the sooner you get your work done, the sooner you have time to spend on such sites.

Productivity comes in all shapes and sizes for digital nomads; however, staying on task is essential to anyone who wants to be a successful remote worker. Sticking to these tips can indeed help you keep you focused regardless of your projects and where you’re working from.

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