3 Ways to Get Your Child Excited About Reading

For a young child, nothing is more exciting than learning to read. As a parent, you might share your child’s excitement as literacy is a huge milestone in their life and often means they are ready to begin or are currently excelling in school. It is common, however, for your child’s excitement about reading to lessen as they get older, especially once they reach an age where reading is frequently required as part of their schoolwork and it becomes more of a chore than an enjoyable pastime. If your child has become reluctant about the thought of reading, don’t panic; here are a few ways to get your child excited about reading. 

1. Read Together

If you feel that your child is getting less excited about reading because the thought of doing so can feel like a chore, offering to read with them can help lessen the burden of picking up a good book. Try to incorporate reading together into your daily routine; whether it takes place in the morning before school or in the evening before bed, designating a time to read together will keep them from feeling like catching up on a good book is optional. Take turns reading back and forth so that your child can continue practicing his or her reading skills. 

2. Visit The Library Often 

Sometimes, all a child needs to get excited about reading is the opportunity to pick out a new book. Taking a weekly visit to the library is a great way to remind your child that reading is fun, and something to look forward to! Try to visit your local library on the same day each week, so that your child will come to know a certain day as “library day.” While at the library, be sure to encourage your child to ask the librarian questions, and to select however many books they would like (within reason; make sure not to check out more books than your child can feasibly read). Also, make sure that your child is checking out books on a variety of topics; from fictional science fiction novels to realistic articles about lipotropic injections from The Institute of Natural Health, your child can learn a lot of new information from the books they read!

3. Talk About Books

To keep your child excited about the books they are reading or recently finished, be sure to engage with them in discussions about what they have recently read. Ask them questions about the characters, plot, and other topical items; this will not only keep them excited about their book but will work to strengthen their reading comprehension skills as well. 

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