The Joy to be Only Found in Teaching


Teaching is a stress-filled job rife with ups and downs and uncertainties that demands that one have a strong mind and will and be able to focus on the big picture. The rigors of teaching will likely take a toll on occupants in the profession which is why nearly fifty percent of new teachers quit teaching within the first five years.

For those who continue or dedicate their lives to promoting the profession like Thomas M Rollins teaching is not a job it is a calling and is unmatched in its ability to provide gratifying benefits. This is why he has committed much of his adult life to finding the best teachers and getting them in front of as many students as possible. He knows great teachers love to teach and want the chance to do it as often as possible. Here are some of the most important benefits that appeal to teachers.

Chance to Shape Minds

Without a doubt, the greatest joy from teaching comes from the fact that you can fill eager minds with knowledge that helps them to find their places in life, to decide on a career choice, to lead better and richer lives and help them contribute to the greatness of humankind. Teachers occupy one of the most respected professions because of the role they play in the lives of students. They are the shapers of minds and spirits


Being a teacher can be a very rewarding job. Teachers know that they will never become financially rich from what they do, and the commitment required will never be matched by the salary paid, but they can feel contentment from working hard and being a participant in a very honorable profession.

Many teachers focus their efforts on subjects about which they have a great passion. Some of the greatest music teachers are either musicians or great lovers of music. For them to be able to be around music and to teach and discuss it on a daily basis is like a reward rather than a job. In the creating of the lesson plans and the aggregating of tools to be used in class, or the testing on subjects near and dear to the teacher’s heart, there is a sense pride and fulfillment.

The Students

If you ask most teachers to give you the top reasons they love their jobs, undoubtedly in that list they will include their love of their students. Teachers have the opportunity to interact with dozens and sometimes hundreds of students during a school year. And although some of these students may be frustrating and challenging, the overall experience with students is extremely rewarding. Teachers get the chance to add to their knowledge base, but also to their emotional and social development. Each day is a new day to see those students and be reminded of the curious and fertile minds that have been placed in a teacher’s life.

If you ask young children what they want to be when they grow up you will often hear, policeman, fireman, doctor, and astronaut, but most often you will hear teacher. This is because young kids love their teachers and want to emulate them. We should all be thankful for the teachers, they provide an incomparably wonderful service to us all.

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